Our Lady of the Pillar Athletic Association offers an organized program emphasizing skill development, sportsmanship, and faith-based entertainment for our school families. Every child is provided the opportunity to participate in any sports program if offered for their grade level. Ample playing time for each child is facilitated at a variety of positions, broadening their athletic experience. Programs offered include soccer, volleyball, baseball/softball, and golf. Dedicated volunteer parents coach these teams under the guidance of the Athletic Association and Directors of each sport.
- President-Athletic Director: Reed Rohlfing- olpillarathletics@gmail.com
- Soccer Director: Tim Schilling – PillarPantherssoccer@gmail.com
- Volleyball Director: Steve Schneider – olpillarvolleyball@gmail.com
- Basketball Director: Matt Noce – olpillarbasketball@gmail.com
- Baseball/Softball Director: Kurt Evans – pillarsports314@gmail.com
- Golf Director: Dan Brouillet – olpstlgolf@gmail.com
- Parish Advisor: Deacon Fred Tustanowsky- ftustanowsky@olpillar.com