Our Lady of the Pillar School is a Catholic, parochial, elementary school which serves children from Preschool through eighth grade. It is staffed by lay teachers under the direction of the Marianist Pastor. The special visions of the Marianists and the Franciscans, the unique perspective of Pillar parishioners and Archdiocesan guidelines determine the philosophy of Our Lady of the Pillar School.
The faculty teaches the elements of the Catholic faith not only in the curriculum but by their example of Christian and intellectual living. The school, created by the parish, views the child as an image of God and strives to nurture in each child a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Therefore, the school recognizes its responsibility to emphasize the positive qualities of the individual. The staff works to build confidence and self-esteem in each student. It is of primary importance that the children learn to love and respect others. This is the basis for both the child’s personal sense of value and his/her sense of Christian community.
Our Lady of the Pillar School has a structured, highly academic educational program which emphasizes the development of the basic skills and of the conceptual thinking ability of the child. The school teaches the child to value personal responsibility and academic self-motivation. The faculty presents a comprehensive curriculum in the Arts and Sciences to enable the children to compete successfully as Catholics in a secular world.
The pastor, principal, and teachers work in a partnership with the school board and the parents to develop the School’s academic, religious and social programs. The school, with the active participation of the parents, educates each child to fulfill his or her spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical potential.
Through participation in the liturgy and through community service, the school is responsive to the needs of the parish. The school works to develop in the children a strong sense of membership in the Pillar Community.
Our Lady of the Pillar School is a Catholic Faith Community working to educate the whole child with emphasis on respecting the uniqueness of each individual and on establishing and living the Gospel Values.