Confirmation is considered the Perfection of Baptism. By the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. The anointing of the Confirmandi with the consecrated oil of chrism represents the safeguarding by the Holy Spirit of the graces conferred on the Christian at Baptism.

Confirmation at Our Lady of the Pillar:

The Sacrament of Confirmation is offered at OLP each year in the Spring Semester (April) for students that have been in the PSR program at least one year prior to the Sacrament and to students in our day that are in the 8th grade, or children of parishioners who attend another catholic school. Please check with the office for details.

Candidates for Confirmation must meet the following criteria:

·      A student of Our Lady of the Pillar day school

·      A student of Our Lady of the Pillar Parish School of Religion

·      A student of a registered Our Lady of the Pillar parishioner

(Parishioner must be registered at least 3 months prior to Confirmation Registration Deadline 

·      All candidates must have attended a Catholic School or PSR program during the 7th grade